Monday, July 29, 2013

Ethics, morals, judgement, sin

Why follow "the rules" if they go against your well-being?  Sometimes it is said that rules are made to be broken.  When do you break the rules?  Snowden leaked sensitive information about misconduct practiced by the government.  Is he a bad person?  God is good.  Does might make right?  Why is bullying wrong if survival of the fit applies to the universe?

9-11-2001 shook the United States to it's core and empowered the 3rd world.  Vietnam war - if you can't beat them and you can't join them then fuck them & terrorize them.

The drama of the daily news is intoxicating.  As long as you're not a part of it, everything is cool right?  Heaven?  Hell?  If you really think about the possibilities you'd realize this is some scary shit!  

Why?  Because.

I just saw two kids outside my window playing barefoot in heavy rain.  What are the parents thinking?  I think pneumonia is the next step in line for these children if they don't get inside soon!

Spiders have to eat, right?  Or not.

This is what happens when I don't have any beer in my apartment - crappy blog posts about stuff I have no control over.  Lord, it's miller-time, please help a brother out!!!!

Just some talk

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Car Watch

Saw this beauty when I rode my bike to the library.  It's a well kept, old Chevy Chevet.  The owner was selling it for an asking price of $26,500.00.  I prefer exotics but old domestics are nice too.


The difference between men and boys is the size of their toys.   - Tammyfae Baker's Ex

:) I guess I'm a man-child for now.

Either I'm retarded & I don't know it, or I'm a  late bloomer, or I'm a loser, or I'm an oppressed black man in a skewed white world, or a combination of all of the above.  I am mostly down and out but I am free & happy for now so, que sera sera.

Just talking.

Monday, July 22, 2013

cigarette power

Believe it or not...

I went out to smoke a cig tonight (east coast).  While I was smoking, a lady, probably in her late 30's, approached me.

Lady - May I have a cigarette?

Me - Sorry miss, times are tight for me and I'm low.  Maybe next time.

Lady - Please?  I need a nicotine hit.

Me - Well, if you let me "double-squeeze" your butt, I'll give you two.  Take it or leave it.

She gives me the finger and starts to walk away.  A few steps away, she stops, turns and comes back to me.  She looks me in the eyes.

Lady - Okay.

I reach and double-squeeze her butt with my right hand.  I then proceed to give her two cigarettes which she earned.  She walks away and I finish my cigarette.  It has been a long time since I "booty-closed".  It was good but I bet I could of gotten away with giving her only one cigarette for a double.  

Smooth criminal.


random stuff

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Piped a tiny voice hard by,
Gay and polite, a cheerful cry,
"Chic-chicadee-dee!" Saucy note
Out of a sound heart and a merry throat,
As if it said, "Good day, good sir.
Fine afternoon, old passenger!
Happy to meet you in these places
When January brings new faces!"



I'm folding up my little dreams
Within my heart tonight,
And praying I may soon forget
The torture of their sight.

For time's deft fingers scroll my brow
With fell relentless art -----
I'm folding up my little dreams
Tonight, within my heart.

Friday, July 19, 2013

All The King's Men

Be first.

Be smarter.

Or cheat.

--Movie -- Margin Call

I am reminded of a tale about a powerful king who called his wise men together and directed them to prepare a compilation of all the wisdom in the world.  The wise men worked for many months, frantically researching and discussing a wide variety of subjects.  Finally they presented the king with ten volumes of information that they were confident would please him.  The king perused a few pages of one volume, then said "this is far too much material. Surely you can give me the wisdom of the world in less than ten volumes."  So the king sent his wise men back to work on summarizing the wisdom contained in their ten volumes.  Again it took many months, but when they were done they had reduced their findings to a single volume.  Even more confident than the first time around, the wise men handed the king their work, where upon he again perused a few pages.  Shaking his head with dissatisfaction, he looked up and said, "still far too much.  I have no intention of reading all this material.  Surely the wisdom of the world can be reduced to less than a volume."  The wise men, frustrated by the king's latest request, decided to go to extremes and reduce their findings to one page.  This took them only about a month, and again they were confident that the king would be pleased.  To their utter amazement, however, he was not.  "Still too much material," bellowed the king.  "What I want is the wisdom of the world summarized in one sentence."  The wise men gulped.  How could all the wisdom of the world possibly be reduced to a single sentence?  The good thing about this seemingly impossible task was that they knew this had to be the end of the matter.  Either they succeeded in accomplishing the seemingly impossible -- summarize the wisdom of the world in one sentence -- or be prepared to answer to a very angry king.  The task proved to be daunting to say the least, but, after considerable reflection and debate, they actually succeeded in condensing the one page into a single sentence.  Proudly, they approached the the throne and said to the king, "your majesty , we have at last summarized all the wisdom of the world in one sentence," where upon the wisest of the wise men handed the king a single sheet of parchment.  the king looked at the page before him , nodded his head approvingly, then read the sentence aloud:  THERE'S NO FREE LUNCH..  Sooner or later we learn this truth and come to understand that there is a price for everything in life.  There's a price for working hard; there's a price for not working hard enough.  There's a price for saving for the future; there's a price for spending all your money now.  There's a price for having children; there's a price for not having children.  There's a price for having friends; there's a price for not having friends.  There's a price for taking the right action; there's a price for taking the wrong action; and, yes there's a price for taking no action at all.  In other words , you always have to give up something in order to get something in return.  The empirical evidence suggest that even though most adults understand this principle on an intellectual level, they do not accept it on an emotional level.  This results in actions that rational people describe as irrational, and irrational actions always produce bad consequences.  Another way to describe price paying is to view life as a never ending series  of trade-offs.  No matter how attractive a person, a job, a deal, or a situation looks to you, make it a habit to open your eyes to the trade-offs.  This is particularly important when something looks "too good to be true."  Never forget that there's no such thing as a perfect person, a perfect job, a perfect deal, or a perfect situation.  

                                                                      --Robert J. Ringer

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

New versus used

Re-purposed, recycled, what are the ramifications of buying new versus buying used?  Checks and balances?  Concentrations of power?  Traps?  Madness?  Light?

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.  Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.  It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us.

As we let our light shine, we consciously give other people permission to do the same.  As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence actually liberates others.

Stuff to ponder.  Just some talk.


Friday, July 5, 2013



To other things.

The Philadelphia Soul are 9-5.  They clinched the eastern division and are headed to the playoffs.  Yes!!!  Tomorrow they face the Chicago Rush.  For the rest of the season, win or lose, they have a shot at the "Big Dance".  GO SOUL!!!!