Saturday, May 26, 2012

Trin Tra Trea

While walking, I found this.  I like it.

Bottom One Percenter

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


I have been a little depressed lately.  Progress on all fronts seems to have come to a plateau.  Even my blogging has slowed considerably.  I guess this is what happens when you have a lack of real money and power.

Blessings Count:

1   I have a roof over my head.

2   I have some food in my refrigerator.

3   I'm relatively healthy.

4   My car is okay (knock on wood).

5   My parents & relatives are doing well.

6   I have an income.

7   Spot & Goldie seem well.

Oh well, maybe God will decide to give me a better situation in the next life-time or in Heaven or what ever happens after death.  It could be worse but it could be better.

When President Obama responded to Jaden Smith's question about aliens, I think he was being truthful.  The thing is, I think there are higher life forms on our own planet.  We can't directly experience them but there are "other entities" right here on Earth.  Illusions, possibilities, reality, imagination,...some things defy logic in my opinion.  I am shutting up now before "they" end my life for talking too much.

                                            They are sitting right there!

Bottom One Percenter

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

red ram

Be thankful for the health that you have.  I have gone deaf in my right ear.  I think that it can be corrected because this has happened to me a few times in the past (clogging) but I can't really afford to see my doctor right now.  Pray for me that it doesn't become permanent.

I found the ball a few days back wedged in a sewer grate.  It's in good condition.  One of these high-bounce balls usually sells for USD $1.00 new.  I found the ram thingy the other day along the side of the road almost in the same location that I found my VW disc.  This crap trinket trash treasure has brought me some joy.  BTW, the release of Men In Black 3 is next week.

Live well everyone.

Bottom One Percenter

Saturday, May 12, 2012

J.S.T. entry

The Boston Celtics beat the Philadelphia 76ers 92-91.  Damn-close but no cigar.  The Philadelphia Soul beat the Jacksonville Sharks 56-38.  YES!  Good job guys.  The team including Doug Plank, Dan Raudabauh, Jeff Hughley, Tiger Jones, Emery Sammons, Zip Duncan, Brandon Perkins, Kent Richardson, Rayshaun Kizer, Joe Goosby, & unmentioned contributors/heros are earning their pay!!  Their record is now 7-2.  Good luck next Friday against the Spokane Shock.  Electrify them.

To all mothers, future mothers, and MILFs, Happy Mother's Day.
To my mom: I Love You.  Happy Mother's Day.

Bottom One Percenter

Friday, May 11, 2012


If someone approaches you, gives you a hard luck story, then asks you for money, do you give them some?  A lady came up to me today and told me about her stalled car & wheelchair bound daughter.  She then asked me for four dollars.  I had to say sorry.  First, I had no available funds.  Second, how are four lousy dollars going to help you?  Third, you looked like you were putting on a show that really didn't seem sincere.  Sorry babe, I got bills of my own.  I'm driving a thirteen year old economy car.  Ask that guy in the 2013 Mercedes Benz over there for some cash.

When I came out of the pharmacy, her husband tries to ask me for money.  I turn him down too.  Why don't they ask some of the people working in the store?

When I smoke, people ask me for cigarettes.  I give it to them if I'm acquainted with them & I have a good supply.  Most of the time I say I'm low on cigarettes.  When I'm low, I turn them down even if they offer me money for one.  Hhhhmmmm, I'm going to start asking people for free cigarettes & free money.  I might as well get some of the pie!!  Uh, excuse me miss, my baby's mama needs some milk for the baby, some gas for the minivan, and some cigarettes for me.  Can you spare four dollars?  A**hole mode in effect!

Bottom One Percenter

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Dream - Nightmare

So, I'm in my old neighborhood, outside, trying to go home.  There is a large motorcycle gang circling the buildings.  I am scared.  I enter in the front of one of the buildings.  Upon reflection, this is not the building I live in at the time.  I go into my friend Stanley's building.  The guard is preoccupied with someone so I go in through the unlocked door.  I and quite a few others are waiting for an elevator.  After a while I get on one with a few other people.  This is not an ordinary elevator.  It is a super elevator or an elevator from hell.  I press the button for the fifth floor.  It passes my floor and stops on other people's floors.  The last stop was the "11,000th"  floor.  It goes up and down skipping my floor each time.  A lady on the elevator asks me my name.  I partly comply by giving her my middle name.  She gets off on a high numbered floor.  It goes up and down & it never hits 5.  I'm on there for about three hours trying to get to my stop.  I decide to get off and walk down to my floor.  I get off on something like the 11,470th floor.  At this point of being "trapped" on there, I don't care if I have to walk down a whole lot of flights of stairs.  I get off then look for an exit.  I can't find one.  I walk, looking for a stair case.  I get to the end of the floor.  The door at the end of the hall is cracked open.  I walk to it to enter.  Someone says my name from behind the cracked door.  I say yes, feeling relieved that someone came to my rescue.  I get pulled into the stair case forcefully by two big guys.  Just as I wake up, my pillow falls off my head to the floor. seemed a little too real!

Bottom One Percenter

P.S.  Burning some lollipop sticks produces an interesting fragrance (I may have too much time on my hands :)  ).

Monday, May 7, 2012


I found a trinket trash treasure outside of a local library when I went to catch a smoke.  It was a piece of wire.  The uniqueness of this wire was that the insulation covering was colored red/orange metallic.  I've never seen wire like this until now.  Maybe it is some kind of wire for arts & crafts activities.  Anyway, it brought me a little happiness.

I'm using some cheap dish washing liquid as a substitute for liquid hand soap.  If it can clean dishes then it can clean hands.  I am satisfied especially for the USD $1.00 price tag.

My screenwriting endeavors are creeping.  I'm in the rough outline stage of writing a book on becoming a financially successful miser.  Most of my points are on paper.  I now have to generate some success to gain credibility to myself and possible readers.  Miseristicism, miserology, miserism, are some terms I coined to include in the book.

The Philadelphia Soul hosts the Milwaukee Mustangs.  The Soul are 6-1.  The Mustangs are 2-5.  By the time I post , the game will be over.  I will report the score.  Some day I will give in and go to an arena football game.  Maybe after I make my first quadrillion dollars I will go to a game.

Bootleg DVDs are great!  Good, recent movies for a low price.  Crime?  Yes.  Am I an innocent, angel?  No.  If they sell them, I will buy them.  Business.  Supply and demand.  Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

Just saw an old movie starring Jim Kelly called The Tattoo Connection.  It was EXCELLENT!!  Good kung fu action in it.  It was made in the year 1978.  I was not yet in high school at the time.  Some of you guys were not even born yet!  I recommend it to people who can see R-rated movies (17 and above).

Milwaukee Mustangs edged the Philadelphia Soul 64-63.  Damn.

Bottom One Percenter